Mar 31, 2025  
2015-2016 Gaston College Catalog 

College Transfer

College Transfer Programs

(Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, and Associate in Fine Arts)

Gaston College offers a college transfer program for students intending to transfer to a four-year college or university by offering courses that parallel those offered during the first two years at four-year institutions. Students who transfer from Gaston College pursue majors such as Agriculture, Anthropology, Architecture, Art, Business Administration, Commercial Art, Design, Education, Engineering, English, Fine Arts, Foreign Language, History, Mathematics, Music, Pre-Law, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Ministry, Pharmacy, Psychology, Science, Sociology, Textiles, and others. Students may complete a 60-61 hour Associate in Arts (AA),  Associate in Fine Arts (AFA), or Associate in Science Degree (AS). Students not interested in pursuing a degree may enroll in courses for personal growth and fulfillment.

One semester hour of credit for a Work Based Learning (WBL) or ACA course may be included in a 61- hour Associate of Art or Associate of Science, or  a 65-hour Associate in Fine Arts. This course will receive transfer evaluation (not necessarily credit) by the receiving institution.

Each student should confer with a transfer counselor or advisor about course selection prior to registration. Only with approval of the appropriate academic dean may students substitute courses for those specifically required for graduation and courses outside the area of specialization. Students are responsible for the proper completion of their academic programs based upon the requirements stated in the Gaston College Catalog in conjunction with the current schedule.

Transfer counselors or advisors will provide assistance to students regarding transfer to other institutions. Transfer of credits from one institution to another is subject to change. It is the responsibility of the transferring students to research their prospective senior institution. Students may contact the Transfer Advising Center at Gaston College or the admissions office at the college to which they plan to transfer for information and guidance on transfer of credits. Although faculty, staff, counselors, advisors, and administrators are available to help students with planning, the responsibility rests upon the individual student.

The Transfer Advising Center is located in the Myers Center, room 249. Center services are available for students on a drop-in and appointment basis from 9 am to 5 pm Monday through Thursday and 9 am to 4 pm on Fridays during the academic year. Summer hours are 9 am until 6 pm on Monday and 9 am to 2 pm Tuesday through Thursday.

To reach the Transfer Advising Center, please call 704-922-6576 or 704-923-8402. You may also call or text 704-813-7194.

Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA)

Under the provisions of House Bill 739 and Senate Bill 1161, the North Carolina Community College System and the University of North Carolina system have developed a Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA) to facilitate the transfer of credits for community college students.

Gaston College graduates of Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degree programs who have made a “C” or better in each course will be considered to have fulfilled the institution-wide, general education requirements of UNC schools to which they are admitted and will be admitted as Juniors. Foreign language and physical education requirements of receiving institutions must still be met.

The North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities have adopted a parallel version of the CAA (ICAA). The following private colleges and universities in North Carolina honor the ICAA: Barton, Belmont Abbey, Bennett, Brevard, Campbell, Catawba, Chowan, Gardner-Webb, Johnston C. Smith, Lees McRae, Livingstone, Louisburg, Mars Hill, Montreat, Mount Olive, North Carolina Wesleyan, Peace, Pfeiffer, Queens, St. Andrews, Saint Augustine’s, Shaw, Warren Wilson, and Wingate.

Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate with an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree, students must have a grade of “C” or better in each course applied towards degree requirements. Students who make below a “C” in a course should either retake the course or should take a course to substitute for that course.

Students who wish to apply grades of “D” for graduation, may petition for graduation in the Associate in General Education degree program, which is not designed as a transfer program.


The following courses have been approved as electives for transfer degrees.

ACA 122 College Transfer Success (1 Credit Hour) 

ACC 120 Prin of Financial Acct (4 Credit Hours) 

ACC 121 Prin of Managerial Acct (4 Credit Hours) 

ART 111 Art Appreciation (3 Credit Hours) 

ART 114 Art History Survey I (3 Credit Hours) 

ART 115 Art History Survey II (3 Credit Hours) 

BIO 110 Principles of Biology (4 Credit Hours) 

BIO 111 General Biology I (4 Credit Hours) 

BIO 112 General Biology II (4 Credit Hours) 

BIO 155 Nutrition (3 Credit Hours) 

BIO 168 Anatomy and Physiology I (4 Credit Hours) 

BIO 169 Anatomy and Physiology II (4 Credit Hours) 

BIO 180 Biological Chemistry (3 Credit Hours) 

BIO 250 Genetics (4 Credit Hours) 

BIO 275 Microbiology (4 Credit Hours) 

BIO 280 Biotechnology (3 Credit Hours) 

BUS 110 Introduction to Business (3 Credit Hours) 

CHM 131 Introduction to Chemistry (3 Credit Hours) 

CHM 131A Introduction to Chemistry Lab (1 Credit Hour) 

CHM 132 Organic and Biochemistry (4 Credit Hours) 

CHM 151 General Chemistry I (4 Credit Hours) 

CHM 152 General Chemistry II (4 Credit Hours) 

CHM 251 Organic Chemistry I (4 Credit Hours) 

CHM 252 Organic Chemistry II (4 Credit Hours) 

CIS 110 Introduction to Computers (3 Credit Hours) 

COM 110 Introduction to Communication (3 Credit Hours) 

COM 120 Introduction to Interpersonal Communication (3 Credit Hours) 

COM 231 Public Speaking (3 Credit Hours) 

ECO 251 Prin of Microeconomics (3 Credit Hours) 

ECO 252 Prin of Macroeconomics (3 Credit Hours) 

ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry (3 Credit Hours) 

ENG 112 Writing/Research in the Disc (3 Credit Hours) 

ENG 231 American Literature I (3 Credit Hours) 

ENG 232 American Literature II (3 Credit Hours) 

ENG 241 British Literature I (3 Credit Hours) 

ENG 242 British Literature II (3 Credit Hours) 

GEL 111 Geology (4 Credit Hours) 

HEA 110 Personal Health/Wellness (3 Credit Hours) 

HEA 112 First Aid & CPR (2 Credit Hours) 

HIS 111 World Civilizations I (3 Credit Hours) 

HIS 112 World Civilizations II (3 Credit Hours) 

HIS 121 Western Civilization I (3 Credit Hours) 

HIS 122 Western Civilization II (3 Credit Hours) 

HIS 131 American History I (3 Credit Hours) 

HIS 132 American History II (3 Credit Hours) 

MAT 143 Quantitative Literacy (3 Credit Hours) 

MAT 152 Statistical Methods I (4 Credit Hours) 

MAT 171 Precalculus Algebra (4 Credit Hours) 

MAT 172 Precalculus Trigonometry (4 Credit Hours) 

MAT 252 Statistical Methods II (4 Credit Hours) 

MAT 263 Brief Calculus (4 Credit Hours) 

MAT 271 Calculus I (4 Credit Hours) 

MAT 272 Calculus II (4 Credit Hours) 

MAT 273 Calculus III (4 Credit Hours) 

MAT 280 Linear Algebra (3 Credit Hours) 

MAT 285 Differential Equations (3 Credit Hours) 

MUS 110 Music Appreciation (3 Credit Hours) 

MUS 112 Introduction to Jazz (3 Credit Hours) 

PED 110 Fit and Well for Life (2 Credit Hours) 

PHI 215 Philosophical Issues (3 Credit Hours) 

PHI 240 Introduction to Ethics (3 Credit Hours) 

PHY 110 Conceptual Physics (3 Credit Hours) 

PHY 110A Conceptual Physics Lab (1 Credit Hour) 

PHY 151 College Physics I (4 Credit Hours) 

PHY 152 College Physics II (4 Credit Hours) 

PHY 251 General Physics I (4 Credit Hours) 

PHY 252 General Physics II (4 Credit Hours) 

POL 120 American Government (3 Credit Hours) 

PSY 150 General Psychology (3 Credit Hours) 

PSY 241 Developmental Psych (3 Credit Hours) 

PSY 281 Abnormal Psychology (3 Credit Hours) 

REL 110 World Religions (3 Credit Hours) 

SOC 210 Introduction to Sociology (3 Credit Hours) 

SOC 220 Social Problems (3 Credit Hours) 

SPA 111 Elementary Spanish I (3 Credit Hours) 

SPA 112 Elementary Spanish II (3 Credit Hours) 

SPA 181 Spanish Lab 1 (1 Credit Hour) 

SPA 182 Spanish Lab 2 (1 Credit Hour)