Feb 10, 2025  
2014-2015 Gaston College Student Handbook 

Student Resources

Following are some frequently asked questions, plus we also have an online 24/7 system, “Ask US”, which can be accessed by visiting http://www.gaston.edu/ask-us/.

Q: I need to pay my tuition and fees.

A: The Business Office, located on the first floor of the Myers Center (Dallas Campus), is responsible for collecting all tuition and fees. The Business Office on the second floor of the Lincoln Campus and the second floor of the Harney Hall Building on the Kimbrell Campus also collects tuition and fees. Or, you can pay online through WebAdvisor.

Q: I need financial aid or scholarships.

A: Visit the Office of Financial Aid and Veteran’s Affairs located in the Myers Center (Dallas Campus), the Student Affairs Office on the second floor of the Lincoln Campus or the Student Affairs Office in KCC 116 on the Kimbrell Campus. Students can also apply for financial aid at www.fafsa.ed.gov.

Q: I would like to apply for an on-campus (work-study) job.

A: Visit the Office of Financial Aid and Veterans Affairs located in the Myers Center (Dallas Campus) for work-study job applications and job openings.

Q: I need to pay a parking ticket.

A: Parking tickets should be paid in the Business Office located in the Myers Center (Dallas Campus), or the Business Office located on the second floor of the Lincoln Campus and the second floor of the Harney Hall Building on the Kimbrell Campus.

Q: I need to know what courses to take.

A: Contact your academic advisor or divisional dean’s office in your program of study. New students, pre-health science majors, and special credit students should see a Counselor in the Counseling Center, located in the Myers Center (Dallas Campus), the Student Affairs Office of the Lincoln Campus, or the Student Affairs Office in KCC 116 on the Kimbrell Campus.

Q: I need help with a personal problem or I need help in choosing a career.

A: Visit the Counseling and Career Development Center located in the Myers Center (Dallas Campus), or the Student Affairs Office on the second floor of the Lincoln Campus. All services are free and confidential. Students who need long-term or mental health counseling will be referred to community resources to be assisted more effectively.

Q: I do not know my academic advisor.

A: Contact the Office of Records and Registration, located in the Myers Center (Dallas Campus), the Dean’s Office at the Lincoln Campus, or the Student Affairs Office in KCC 116 on the Kimbrell Campus.

Q: I have a physical or learning disability and need special accommodations or assistance.

A: Contact the Special Needs Counselor, located in the Counseling and Career Development Center, in the Myers Center (Dallas Campus), or call 704.922.6224.

Q: I want to find out how to become involved in a club or organization or I want to start a new club.

A: Contact the Coordinator of Student Activities located in the Myers Center (Dallas Campus).

Q: I want to know the names of the Student Government Association, club officers or club advisors.

A: Visit the Coordinator of Student Activities located in the Myers Center (Dallas Campus), or visit the Student Organizations website at www.gaston.edu.

Q: I don’t know where my classes are located.

A: Obtain a printed copy of your schedule in the Office of Records and Registration located in the Myers Center (Dallas Campus), or the Student Affairs Offices of the Lincoln or Kimbrell Campuses. Campus maps are also available in any Student Affairs office.

Q: I need a transcript of my grades sent to another college or to a business.

A: Official transcripts can be obtained in the Office of Records and Registration located in the Myers Center (Dallas Campus). Photo identification is required in order to obtain a transcript. There is a $5.00 charge for official transcripts. Continuing Education transcripts are available from the Continuing Education Registration office located in DSC 113/114. GED diplomas and/or transcripts are available from the North Carolina State GED office in Raleigh. The address is 5016 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-5016.

Q: I want to find out about appealing a grade.

A: Contact your instructor or see the Final Grade Appeal Procedure in the Student Handbook.

Q: I have questions about transferring to a 4-year college or university.

A: The Dean’s Office in Arts and Sciences provides valuable information for students pursuing transfer degrees. The Transfer Advising Center offers a number of services to new and returning students enrolled in the Associate in Arts and Associate in Science  Students enrolled in these majors can seek assistance in career and educational planning, academic advising, and transition assistance to a student’s four year school of choice. majors. Students enrolled in these majors can seek assistance in career and educational planning, academic advising, and transition assistance to a student’s four year school of choice. In addition, the Counseling Center can provide general information as well as dates of upcoming college and university on-site visits.

Q: I want to find out about credit by examination.

A: Contact the course instructor or contact the Office of Records and Registration located in the Myers Center (Dallas Campus), or the Student Affairs Offices on the Lincoln and Kimbrell Campuses.

Q: I want to drop, add, or withdraw from a course(s).

A: Visit the Office of Records and Registration, located in the Myers Center (Dallas Campus), for the proper forms and further information. These forms and information are also available in the Student Affairs Offices of the Lincoln Campus & Kimbrell Campus.

Q: I need to know the attendance policy.

A: The attendance policy is up to each individual instructor. Check with your instructors for specific information on class attendance policies.

Q: I missed a class, or feel certain I will miss an upcoming class.

A: Contact your instructor as soon as possible.

Q: I need to locate my instructor outside of class.

A: Your instructor has office hours posted on his/her office door. Also, most instructors provide their office phone number and e-mail address on their course syllabi. Further information about instructor’s office locations and office phone numbers can be obtained from the Office of Records and Registration located in the Myers Center (Dallas Campus). This information is also available from the Dean’s Office of the Lincoln Campus, or the Student Affairs Office on the Kimbrell Campus.

Q: I want to find out about student ID cards.

A: Visit the Student ID Services Office in Comer Engineering Technology Building room 207 (Dallas Campus), or the Lincoln or the Kimbrell Campus Security Offices for more information. There is no charge, except for a replacement ID.

Q: I have lost or found an item.

A: Visit the Office of the Campus Police and Security located in the ComerEngineering Technology Building room 122 (Dallas Campus), or the Lincoln or Kimbrell Campus Security Offices.

Q: I need to use a computer.

A: Computer labs are available on the Dallas, Lincoln & Kimbrell Campuses. Further information about labs and lab services can be obtained from the Office of Technology Services located in Room 11 of the Comer Engineering Technology Building (Dallas Campus), or visit http://www.gaston.edu/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Computer-Labs-on-Campus-7-2014.pdf for a current list of labs and locations.

Q: I need to use a computer on campus and I do not know my user ID.

A: Each semester Technology Services automatically assigns user ID logins. If you are experiencing difficulty logging onto a campus computer, please see your faculty member and they can assist you. Technology Services is located in Room 11 of the Comer Engineering Technology Building.

Q: I need information from the campus library.

A: Visit the Morris Library (Dallas Campus) for checkout and renewal of books, and access to audiovisual and electronic information. The Lincoln Campus library is located on the second floor of the Lincoln Campus building, and the Kimbrell Library is located in room KCH 102 on the Kimbrell Campus.

Q: I am having trouble with one or more of my classes or I need a tutor.

A: Contact your instructor or the Learning Center located on the Dallas, Lincoln and Kimbrell Campuses.

Q: I need to use photocopy machines on campus & in the library.

A:Students have the ability to use the Toshiba copiers that are located in the halls of each classroom building, library, and the Myers Center.  Copies can be made by entering your print management (Papercut) login and you can print to them by using the web printing feature.

Q: I need to buy my textbooks.

A: The College Bookstore is located on the first floor of the Myers Center (Dallas Campus), or at the Lincoln Campus Bookstore, located on the second floor and room 230 (KCH) at the Kimbrell Campus building.

Q: I need a catalog, calendar, or Student Handbook.

A: All catalogs, calendars, and Student Handbooks are available on the Gaston College website at www.gaston.edu or a copy can be obtained in any Student Affairs office.

Q: I want to find out about available food services.

A: Visit the Campus Cafe located in the Myers Center (Dallas Campus), or the vending areas on the first floor of the Lincoln Campus, or second floor of the Kimbrell Campus classroom building. A limited selection of food is also available in the College Bookstore.

Q: I need additional information about classes or services offered at the Lincoln Campus.

A: More information about the Lincoln Campus can be found in the Dean’s Office on the second floor of the Lincoln Campus building or visit http://www.gaston.edu/lincolncampus/.

Q: I need additional information about classes or services offered at the Kimbrell Campus.

A: More information about the Kimbrell Campus can be found in Harney Hall at the reception desk, or the Student Affairs Office in KCC 116 on the Kimbrell Campus or visit - http://www.gaston.edu/locations-maps-directions/kimbrell-campus/.

Strategies for Success for Gaston College Students

  1. Pay your registration fees by the designated deadline!
  2. Meet with your academic advisor or department before registration begins.
  3. Register for classes in which you meet the pre-requisites.
  4. Attend classes regularly.
  5. Know where to go if you have questions or need help (see the FAQ’s for starters).
  6. Attend orientation dates for online and/or hybrid courses.
  7. Keep your current address and phone number on file with the Office of Records and Registration.
  8. Take responsibility for yourself and your actions.
  9. Take care of official college business (i.e., getting advised, getting registered, applying for financial aid, etc.) prior to deadlines.
  10. Solve transportation, child care, or work schedule issues prior to registering for classes.


Learning Center

Mission Statement: In keeping with the mission of Gaston College, the Gaston College Learning Center exists to serve the needs of the students of the College as they pursue their educational goals and develop into intellectually mature persons. Students are served along a broad continuum, ranging from one tutoring session to a combination of ongoing multiple forms of support. These services may include:

  • Peer Tutoring
  • Individualized Learning Assistance
  • Computer-Assisted Instruction
  • Video Tutorials
  • Make-up Testing for many courses
  • Quiet and/or Group Study

Please call 704.922.6349 (Dallas Campus), 704.748.5236 (Lincoln Campus) or 704.922.6349 (Kimbrell Campus) for details and schedule.

Disability Services

The Counseling and Career Development Center will assist and advise students with documented disabilities in arranging academic support and reasonable accommodations. Accommodations will be arranged on an individual basis, specific to the student’s needs. The Counseling Center’s goal is to provide students with disabilities with necessary accommodations so they may compete on an equal basis in the classroom with their peers. Students must meet with the Special Needs Counselor and provide all necessary documentation prior to receiving accommodations. Thereafter, students will need to meet with the Special Needs Counselor each semester to renew the accommodation plan and continue to receive their accommodations.

The Counseling Center serves as a resource to students, faculty, and staff on issues related to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. For more information, contact the Special Needs Counselor at 704.922.6224. The Counseling Center is located on the second floor of the Myers Center.

For information regarding students’ rights, responsibilities, documentation guidelines, accommodations, and other resources, please refer to The Student Guide to Disability Policies & Procedures. This guide is available in the Office of Student Affairs and on the College website.

Instructions for Requesting Accommodations

  1. Students who need reasonable accommodations based on a documented disability or special need are responsible for requesting the accommodations with personnel in the Counseling and Career Development Center at Gaston College. Specific information can be provided by the Special Needs Counselor at 704.922.6224.
  2. Before accommodations can be made, students must provide the Special Needs Counselor with the following:
    • Documentation that describes the disability or condition; is no older than three years; is written on official letterhead; and is dated and signed by a licensed physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, other credentialed professional, or appropriate agency. The documentation should provide a comprehensive evaluation of all disabilities that impact the student’s learning in a post-secondary/college environment, as well as suggested accommodations that are specific to the student’s learning needs. Prescription notes, IEP’s, or 504 plans are not accepted as appropriate documentation but may be included as part of the comprehensive evaluation.
    • A completed Confidential Student Disclosure Form.
  3. Once the appropriate documentation has been received and reviewed, the student will meet with the Special Needs Counselor to develop an accommodation plan. When discussing the accommodation plan, the counselor and student will determine reasonable accommodations based on the documentation provided. The counselor will then prepare Letters of Accommodation which will be sent to the student’s current instructors. An updated accommodation plan must be completed by the student and the Special Needs Counselor each semester, preferably prior to the start of classes, in order for students to access their accommodations. It may take up to two weeks to arrange some accommodations.
  4. Gaston College promotes student self-advocacy. Students will be advised to discuss their special accommodations with each of their instructors. This philosophy promotes independence and develops the skills that students will need to function successfully in future work settings.
  5. The Special Needs Counselor is available for faculty consultation and meetings with students and faculty upon request.
  6. The Counseling Center will maintain copies of all documentation and disability correspondence in the student’s confidential file located within the Counseling Center.

Gaston College Libraries

In Dallas, the Morris Library & Media Center is located on Library Lane adjacent to the Rauch Science & Fine Arts Building. Parking is available. The Morris Library is a spacious facility that offers a variety of library services for students. Collections include books, magazines and newspapers, videos, CDs, etc. Gaston Libraries are members of the CCLINC consortium. This consortium, composed of 46 of the 58 community colleges, shares a library system and provides students with access to the members’ collections.

There are 36 computer workstations located in the Morris Library. Computer users must abide by the college’s Acceptable Use Policy. Internet access is provided. Wireless Internet is also available to students on the 1st Floor of Morris Library. NCLIVE and other Web-based resources are available from the library homepage at www.gaston.edu/library. NCLIVE passwords are issued at the circulation desk along with library cards. Distance education resources are available through the library homepage and Blackboard.

Library services include the following: checkout and renewal of materials, reference and research assistance, Internet access, interlibrary loan service, use of study and viewing areas, and remote access services. Distance learning classrooms, including the NCIH classroom, are located on the second floor of the Morris Library.

All campus libraries have services identical to those available at the Dallas Campus. For campus library hours please see the front of the handbook and the library website.

Gainful Employment

For information about our graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed a particular program of study, and other important information related to choosing a program of study, please visit our Gainful Employment website at http://www.gaston.edu/consumer-information/gainful-employment/.

Office of Persistence and Retention

From the first day of class to graduation, the Office of Persistence and Retention helps students stay on track by helping them overcome any barriers, and by providing tools and strategies that will assist with academic and personal success.  For additional information go to our website at: http://www.gaston.edu/student-success-support-programs/.  The Office of Persistence and Retention holds fast to the idea that all students have the ability to succeed and achieve through full use of the resources and application of the strategies provided. The following programs are under the Office of Persistence and Retention.


The Office of Persistence and Retention manages the Academic Related (ACA) courses and encourages all students to enroll in ACA 118 or ACA 122 during their first semester in an effort to increase successful course completion and progress to graduation. College Study Skills: ACA 118 is recommended during the first semester. Topics include study skills, time management and motivation. It is required by some programs. This course will provide an important foundation to your success as a college student. College Transfer Success: ACA 122 class is required for all students in the college transfer program.

Early Alert

The Office of Persistence and Retention also manages the College’s Student Persistence and Success Plan (SPSP). This reporting system provides a tool for staff, academic advisors, andfaculty to work collaboratively concerning students’ academic performance in a course, including: attendance, homework completion, study skills, motivation, class participation, and grades. The purpose of the SPSP is to:

• Provide feedback concerning students’ overall performance in a course

• Give suggestions/strategies for students to improve

• Enable the College to better identify and intervene with students

Title III

Title III is a grant program funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Also known as the Strengthening Institutions Grant, it was created in 1965 to provide colleges and universitiesresources to strengthen and improve their institutions. In 2009, the U.S. Department of Education awarded Gaston College a five-year Title III grant to help at-risk students. For the purposes of this grant, at-risk students have been defined as students receiving financial aid.

The Title III grant focuses on three primary goals: 1. Increase the success and retention rate of at-risk students; 2. Improve the academic advising process for at-risk students; 3. Consolidatedata tracking and outcome assessment related to retention, persistence, and academic success. Some of the services provided by Title III include: personal assistance to students completingthe FAFSA, individual holistic advising services, career guidance and planning, financial planning workshops, and faculty mentoring opportunities.

Gaston Foundation Student Emergency Assistance Program

The SEAP was developed to assist students with academic-related emergencies that typically derail their academic progress. The Gaston College Foundation raises funds to support thisprogram. Students can apply for a maximum of $200 per academic year for an immediate academic need that is deterring their success at Gaston College. Items covered under the fund include: tuition and fees, textbooks, academic supplies such as required kit, tools, uniforms, tests, etc. After students complete and submit the application, a staff member from the Office of Persistence and Retention provides assistance with the application process and later informs students if they are approved. Students are asked to write a letter of appreciation to the College Foundation. Application criteria and forms can be found on the Persistence and Retention website.

TRiO/Student Support Services

TRiO/SSS is a federally funded Program. TRiO/SSS provides a supportive environment where students can feel comfortable asking for help. TRiO/SSS provides the student with a one-stopshop for all academic, personal, and career needs. Eligibility for Student Support Services is based on federally defined criteria. Students who meet one of the following criteria are welcome to apply:

• Low Income

• First Generation

• Documented Disability


Participants must also:

• be a US Citizen

• have GPA of 2.0 or higher

• attend Gaston College

• not hold a bachelor’s degree

Learn 4 Life

This program was developed in order to help students enhance their experience and employability by earning the Learn 4 Life Award. This optional program involves hands-on learning, in-depth studies, and guidance along the way. After meeting all the requirements for the program, the student will receive recognition during graduation ceremonies. Applications for Learn 4 Life can be found online or can be picked up at the Office of Persistence and Retention.

Community Resources

It is evident that students need support beyond what the College is able to provide. Many students  need food, shelter, clothing, transportation, and other basic things. A manual outlining community resources is available on the College website. The manual includes the contact information and the type of support that local agencies provide. In addition, members of the P&R staff visit agencies to build relationships. If you are in need of community resources, please see the secretary of Persistence and Retention.


The Gaston College Bookstore provides textbooks, school/office supplies, and study aids to complement the education experience at Gaston College. Computer software along with laptops, tablets and other electronic products can be purchased at the main campus. The Bookstore also provides imprinted apparel, greeting cards and gift items for school spirit and convenience. Store hours are located in the front of this handbook. There are three locations that service both Gaston and Lincoln counties:

Dallas Campus Bookstore,

The bookstore is located in the Myers Center on the first floor. Contact Gaston College Bookstore at 704.922.6428.

Lincoln Campus Bookstore

The bookstore is located in the main building of the campus. Contact the Lincoln Campus Bookstore at 704.748.1075.

Kimbrell Campus Bookstore

The Kimbrell Campus Bookstore is located on the lower level in Harney Hall. Contact the Kimbrell Campus Bookstore at 704.825.6280.


The Gaston College Bookstore has a website for online book purchases, price checks, and upcoming events. Just go to: www.gaston.bkstr.com . Your new, used or rental textbook purchase are only a click away.

Textbook Buyback

Textbooks can be sold back to the bookstore during the book buybacks held at the end of each semester. The buyback for the fall and spring semesters are held on the last three days of scheduled classes.

Refund Policy

Textbooks- Refunds are given each semester based on the following:

Full refunds will be given during the first ten business days of the current semester or ten days from the date of purchase. You must provide proof of purchase when you are making returns. Returned textbooks must be unmarked and in re-saleable condition. Bundled textbooks cannot be unwrapped. Refunds are NOT given on textbooks purchased for a previous semester. No refunds are given on supplies, gifts, or non-textbook items.

The Counseling and Career Development Center

The Counseling and Career Development Center provides academic, career, and personal counseling services and academic advising to Gaston College students. The center also provides career assessments (aptitude, interest, personality, and values inventories), college-transfer information, and disability services. The Counseling Center is located on the second floor of the Myers Center at the Dallas Campus. A counselor is also on staff at the Lincoln Campus. All services are free and confidential.

Personal Counseling Services:

Counselors are available to discuss academic, social, or personal concerns that may interfere with student success. Students who need long-term or mental health counseling will be referred to community resources to be assisted more effectively.

Career Services:

The counseling staff provides career guidance to students who need help deciding an educational and career goal. Counselors use a variety of interest inventories and online resources to assist students in the career exploration process.

Academic Advisement:

The majority of new students enrolling at Gaston College are advised in the Counseling Center during their first semester. Pre-health, undecided, and special credit students are advised by counseling staff beyond their initial semester. Academic advising is an integral part of student success. It is recommended that continuing students meet with their assigned advisor on a regular basis to review academic plans and progress.

Food Service and Vending

The Gaston College Café is located on the Dallas Campus in the Myers Center Building (MC) next to the Bookstore. The menu includes daily breakfast and lunch choices that offer a wide variety of hot and cold food items, full salad bar, various side items, desserts and beverages. Daily specials offer a value added combination that is hard to beat in the local area.

The regular hours of operation are Monday - Friday, 7:30 AM to 1:30 PM.

Beverages offered are: coffee , tea, milk, sodas, bottled water, juices and other quality energy drinks. Vending stations are located on all campuses to supply quick snack food and beverages also. They are located in most buildings on all campuses for your convenience. You may report any vending concerns to the Bookstore.


Gaston College is a commuter institution founded to serve residents of the surrounding area and does not provide housing for its students. It is the responsibility of students who require housing to arrange their own accommodations. A listing of apartments is available in the office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management. The College assumes no responsibility for the arrangements agreed upon by the landlord and tenant.

Myers Center

The Myers Center provides students with the opportunity to eat in an attractive, comfortable dining area with WiFi access; to purchase books, supplies, and other materials from the Bookstore; and to participate in College-sponsored events in the multipurpose auditorium. The Myers Center also houses the offices of the Student Government Association, Student Affairs, Business Office, and the Music Department.

Design, Print, and Mail

Design, Print, and Mail is located in the basement of the Comer Engineering and Technology Building, room 17A.  For hours of operation, see the front section of this document.

Printing Services: Various printing services are available, and require a three (3) day turnaround.  These services include the following:

  Black and White Copies: $0.10 each
  Black and White Photo Copies: $0.25 each
  Color Copies: $1.00 each or 100 or more $0.75 each
  Laminating: $0.35 per foot

Mailroom Services: Students may deposit mail for afternoon delivery to the Dallas Post Office. Stamps may also be purchased in the mailroom.

Print Management

Gaston College is implementing a print management system, PaperCut, as a green initiative and in an effort to reduce waste in all curriculum computer labs and libraries.  Each semester, currently enrolled curriculum students will be credited $10.00 each semester for printing. Remaining balances at the end of each semester will not roll over.

·       The price for printing is as follows:

Black and White

Single sided - $0.10/per page

Duplex - $0.15/per page


Single sided - $0.25/per page

Duplex - $0.38/per page

Color Printing is available in the Dallas and Lincoln Campus libraries. Students have the capability to add funds to their accounts if the amount allocated is exceeded via PayPal or coin-ops (available in each of the libraries). Public users and non-curriculum students have the capability of utilizing the library computer. For more information go to: http://www.gaston.edu/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/GC-PRINT-MANAGEMENT-FAQ_0723141.pdf or http://www.gaston.edu/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/8.5x11-Poster-6.pdf.

Student ID Cards

Although not required, student photo ID cards are made in the Student ID Office in the Comer Engineering Technology Building, room 207 (Dallas Campus), or the Lincoln or the Kimbrell Campus Security Offices. There is no charge for the ID, except for a replacement ID. A replacement photo ID card is $10.00. Photo ID’s are made for current curriculum students only. Students must provide the Campus Police/Security Office with proof of current student class schedule. For further information, contact Campus Police at 704.922.6480.

Gaston County Access Central Transportation

ACCESS provides bus service to the Gaston College Campus Monday through Friday. For more information call 704.866.3206.

Only $1.00 One-Way Fare

Gastonia Transit Gaston College Campus
Pickup Departure Time Arrival Departure Time

7:15 am 7:30 am 7:45 am 7:50 am
11:15 am 11:30 am 11:45 am 11:50 am
12:00 pm 12:15 pm 12:30 pm 12:45 pm
    2:00 pm 2:15 pm

Inclement Weather Definitions - Gaston College Closing/Delays


GASTON COLLEGE CLOSINGS OR DELAYS ARE DETERMINED SEPARATE AND APART FROM GASTON AND LINCOLN COUNTY SCHOOLS. (Please do not assume that whatever decision is made for Gaston or Lincoln County Schools also applies to Gaston College.)

To have up-to-date weather alerts sent by text to your cell phone or email, go to the Gaston College Website Home Page (www.gaston.edu), click the GC Alert button, and follow instructions for subscribing to the Campus Emergency Notification System.

Closings/delays will be posted on the Gaston College Website (www.gaston.edu); closing/delay messages can be accessed by calling the College switchboard at 704.922.6200, and will be broadcast on the following television and radio stations:

The following TV and radio stations are contacted to announce an inclement weather message:

  1. EDAC-TV (Educ. Access), Gaston (Channel 21)
  2. WSGE FM 91.7, Gaston College, Dallas, NC
  3. WBTV-TV (CBS), Charlotte, NC
  4. WBT FM 99.3, Charlotte, NC
  5. WBT AM 1110, Charlotte, NC
  6. WLNK FM 107.9, Charlotte, NC


Effective: 1/14/11 Supersedes: 1/5/11