Feb 10, 2025  
2014-2015 Gaston College Student Handbook 

Student Records

Change of Name

Students are responsible for notifying the Office of Records and Registration in writing when a change occurs in a student’s legal name. Name Change forms are available in the Office of Records and Registration. Name changes must be accompanied by appropriate documentation such as driver’s license, Social Security card, etc.

Change of Address

Students may update their address by accessing WebAdvisor or in person.

Change of Major

Students who wish to change their major/program must complete a Change of Major form available in the Counseling Center. The form is routed to the appropriate offices and a new academic advisor is assigned if needed. Students receiving financial aid and veterans benefits who change their major should consult with the Office of Financial Aid or the VA representative.

Enrollment Verifications

Students may obtain an official enrollment verification letter for insurance purposes by accessing WebAdvisor or visiting the Office of Records and Registration. Picture identification is required for in person requests.

Directory Information Records, which may be made public, include a student’s name, address, telephone number, date of birth, major field of study, dates of attendance, and degrees received. This information will only be released after the requestor has demonstrated a legitimate need to have such information. Any student not wishing the release of directory information must file a written request with the Office of Records and Registration no later than the last day of Late Registration. Otherwise, the College may disclose directory information for legitimate purposes.

Limited Access Records pertain to the permanent academic records of the student, disciplinary records, financial information, and testing data. The College will not release information in Limited Access Records without the written permission of the student.

Sole Possession Records pertain to records of instructional, supervisory, and administrative personnel that remain in the sole possession of the maker and are not accessible or revealed to any other person.

Transcript Request

Requests for official transcripts may be made online at www.gaston.edu, Quick Links, Transcript Request. The authorization for release form must be returned via fax at 704.922.2344 in order to process the request. There is a $5.00 fee for each official transcript. Payment may be made online. Student copies of their transcript may be obtained by accessing WebAdvisor. Students requesting transcripts from the Adult High School should call 704.922.6319; for the GED program should call 704.922.6321; and for all other Continuing Education programs should call 704.922.6496.

Student Schedules

Schedules may be obtained by accessing WebAdvisor.