Mar 02, 2025
Nurse Aide Certificate (C45840)
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The Nurse Aide curriculum prepares individuals to work under the supervision of licensed nursing professionals in performing nursing care and services for all persons of all ages.
Topics include: growth and development, personal care, vital signs, communication, nutrition, medical asepsis, therapeutic activities, accident and fire safety, household environment and equipment management, family resources and services, and employment skills.
Program Learning Outcomes
Graduates will:
- Demonstrate knowledge of the role and awareness of the scope of practice for Nurse Aide I and II in North Carolina.
- Demonstrate mastery of skills required by DHSR, NCBON, and NCCCS for education of nurse aides in North Carolina.
- Demonstrate mastery of skills required to successfully practice as a nurse aide in North Carolina.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the role and awareness of the scope of practice of the nurse aide in North Carolina.
NAS 101 (Nurse Aide I) Admission Requirements
Students applying for admission to the Gaston College Nurse Aide Program MUST meet all Gaston College admission requirements. (This course is available through Continuing Education, course number NUR 3240.) - Submit a Gaston College Application
- Complete Residency Determination for in-state tuition
- Apply for financial aid
- Meet with an advisor / Attend an information session
- Submit official transcripts
- Provide proof of course placement requirements
NAS 102 (Nurse Aide II) Admission Requirements
Students applying for admission to the Gaston College Nurse Aide Program for Nurse Aide II course MUST meet all Gaston College admission requirements and all requirements stated above for admission into Nurse Aide I. (This course is available through Continuing Education, course number NUR 3242.) - Submit a Gaston College Application
- Complete Residency Determination for in-state tuition
- Apply for financial aid
- Meet with an advisor / Attend an information session
- Submit official transcripts
- Provide proof of course placement requirements
All Nurse Aide II students must meet these additional requirements before being admitted to the course: - Must present a certificate showing they have completed a State approved Nurse Aide I Class of 75 to 120 hours.
- Must be listed on the NC nurse aide registry prior to registration for class.
- Must have a high school diploma or GED (sealed and unopened).
- Must have a valid BLS Healthcare Provider CPR card.
Additional Program Requirements Upon Admission to both NA I and NA II Courses
- A completed Gaston College Health and Human Services Student Medical form documenting satisfactory emotional and physical health signed by a health care practitioner.
- The documentation of additional non-academic criteria includes criminal background checks, urine drug testing, and proof of immunizations. Students are to complete these requirements by registering and paying a fee to a third party vendor. Instructions will be provided by the compliance specialist.
- Clinical agencies reserve the right to deny a student access to the facility based on failure to meet the above requirements. If a student is denied access to any clinical agency, the student will be not be allowed to continue in the nurse aide program.
- Professional liability insurance (malpractice insurance) is arranged through the Gaston College Business Office.
- Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from all clinical, laboratory, and class activities. Clinical experiences may be scheduled afternoons, evenings, or weekends at various clinical sites. Clinical experiences that do not fall into these time frames will be scheduled with adequate notice given to students for planning purposes.
Course Grading A class average of 80% or greater along with successful lab demonstration is necessary to attend the clinical portion of NAS 101 (NUR 3240). Students who are unable to achieve an average of 80% or greater and/or successful lab demonstration will not be allowed to participate in clinical practice and will receive a failing grade in the class. A final course grade of 80% or greater is required to pass the class. Note(s):
Some financial aid will not cover the Nurse Aide I classes because they are certificate-level courses. Please check with your financial aid specialist prior to expecting third party payers to cover the expenses incurred for this course. Related Careers |
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