Jan 15, 2025  
2021-2022 Gaston College Student Handbook 



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Below are some frequently asked questions at Gaston College. You can also find additional information through our online 24/7 system, “ASK US,” which can be accessed by visiting gaston.edu/ask-us/.

Q: I need to pay my tuition and fees.

A: You can pay your tuition and fees online through Self-Service, or you can pay in person in the Business Office, located on the first floor of the Myers Center (Dallas Campus), the second floor of the Lincoln Campus main building, and the second floor of the Harney Hall Building on the Kimbrell Campus.

Q: I need financial aid or scholarships.

A: Contact the Office of Financial Aid and Veterans Affairs located in the Myers Center (Dallas Campus), the Student Affairs Office on the second floor of the Lincoln Campus or the Student Affairs Office in KCC 116 on the Kimbrell Campus (hours vary). Students can also apply for financial aid at www.fafsa.gov.

Q: I would like to apply for an on-campus (work-study) job.

A: Contact the Office of Financial Aid and Veterans Affairs located in the Myers Center (Dallas Campus) for work-study job applications and job openings.

Q: I need to pay a parking ticket.

A: Parking tickets should be paid in the Business Office, located on the first floor of the Myers Center (Dallas Campus), the second floor of the Lincoln Campus main building, and the second floor of the Harney Hall Building on the Kimbrell Campus.

Q: I need to know what courses to take.

A: Contact your assigned academic advisor. You can schedule an appointment through Aviso for an in-person, virtual, or phone appointment. Your advisor will review your program of study and current progress as they create your academic plan.

Q: I need help with a personal problem or I need help in choosing a career.

A: Counselors are available in the Craig Building (CAS), 2nd Floor (Dallas Campus), or the counselor’s office on the second floor of the Lincoln Campus main building. All services are free and confidential. Students who need long-term or mental health counseling will be referred to community resources to be assisted more effectively. Additionally, students have access to Student Outreach Services (SOS), a school-sponsored benefit that offers the support and resources students need to address personal and education-related challenges and concerns through access to clinicians 24/7/365 at 800.633.3353.

Q: I do not know my academic advisor.

A: You can view the name of your Advisor in Self-Service or Aviso.

Q: I have a physical or learning disability and need special accommodations or assistance.

A: Contact the Accessibility Counselor, located in the Craig Building (CAS), Room 221 (Dallas Campus), or call 704.922.6224.

Q: I want to find out how to become involved in a club or organization or I want to start a new club.

A: Contact the Coordinator of Student Life, located in the Myers Center, Room 214 (Dallas Campus), or call 704.922.6312.

Q: I want to know the names of the Student Government Association, club officers or club advisors.

A: Contact the Coordinator of Student Life, located in the Myers Center, Room 214 (Dallas Campus), or call 704.922.6312.

Q: I don’t know where my classes are located.

A: You can obtain a copy of your schedule through Self-Service, or in the Office of Records and Registration, located in the Myers Center (Dallas Campus), or the Student Affairs Offices at the Lincoln or Kimbrell Campuses. Campus maps are also available online and in all Student Affairs Offices.

Q: I need a transcript of my grades sent to another college or to a business.

A: Requests for official Gaston College transcripts may be made online at www.gaston.edu - click Student Resources - Records and Registration - Transcript Requests or in Self-Service. The Transcript Request Form can be completed in person, mailed to Student Records, or faxed to 704.922.2344 in order to process the request. There is a $7.00 fee for each official transcript. Payment may be made online or by calling the Business Office at 704.922.6414. Student copies of their College transcript may be obtained by accessing Self-Service. Information for obtaining an Adult high School (AHS) or GED®/High School Equivalency transcript can also be found on the Transcript Request page noted above.

Q: I want to find out about appealing a grade.

A: Contact your instructor or see the Final Grade Appeal Procedure in the Student Handbook.

Q: I have questions about transferring to a 4-year college or university.

A: The Arts and Sciences Advising Center, RCB 236, offers a number of services to new and returning students enrolled in the Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, Associate in Engineering, and Associate in Fine Arts-Visual Arts programs. Students enrolled in these majors can seek assistance in career and educational planning, academic advising, and transfer assistance to a student’s four year school of choice. In addition, the Arts and Sciences Advising Center can provide general information as well as dates of upcoming college and university on-site visits.

Q: I want to find out about Credit by Examination.

A: Contact the course instructor or contact the Office of Records and Registration located in the Myers Center (Dallas Campus), or the Student Affairs Offices on the Lincoln and Kimbrell Campuses. You can also read more about Credit by Examination in the Student Registration and Records section in this Handbook.

Q: Can I take a Credit by Exam if I’ve taken a class before?

A: If you earned a grade or were enrolled and did not drop prior to the first day of a class, you may not attempt Credit by Exam. This includes audits and withdrawals.

Q: I want to drop, add, or withdraw from a course(s).

A: Contact the Office of Records and Registration, located in the Myers Center (Dallas Campus), or the Student Affairs Offices at the Lincoln and Kimbrell Campuses for more information and the proper forms.

Q: I need to know the attendance policy.

A: The attendance policy is up to each individual instructor. Check with your instructors for specific information on class attendance policies.

Q: I missed a class, or I feel certain I will miss an upcoming class.

A: Contact your instructor as soon as possible.

Q: I need to locate my instructor outside of class.

A: Your instructor has office hours posted on his/her office door and on their course syllabi. Also, most instructors provide their office phone number and e-mail address on their course syllabi. Further information about instructors’ office locations and office phone numbers can be obtained from the Office of Records and Registration located in the Myers Center (Dallas Campus). This information is also available from the Dean’s Office on the Lincoln Campus, or the Student Affairs Office on the Kimbrell Campus.

Q: I want to find out about student ID cards.

A: Visit the Student ID Services Office in the Comer Engineering Technology Building, room 116A (Dallas Campus), or the Lincoln Classroom Building, room 113 (Lincoln Campus), or the Kimbrell Classroom Building, room 208 (Kimbrell Campus).

Q: I have lost or found an item.

A: Lost items should be turned in to one of the Campus Police and Security Department offices located in the Comer Engineering Technology Building, room 122 (Dallas Campus), Lincoln Classroom Building, room 113 (Lincoln Campus), or the Kimbrell Classroom Building, room 102 (Kimbrell Campus). To report or reclaim a lost item, contact Campus Police and Security at 704.922.6480 or visit one of their offices.

Q: I need to use a computer.

A: Computer labs are available on the Dallas, Lincoln & Kimbrell Campuses. Further information about labs and lab services can be obtained from the Office of Technology Services located in Room 11 of the Comer Engineering Technology Building (Dallas Campus), or visit Computer Labs for a current list of labs and locations.

Q: I need to use a computer on campus and I do not know my user ID.

A: Each semester Technology Services automatically assigns user ID logins. If you are experiencing difficulty logging onto a campus computer, please see your instructor and they can assist you. If additional technical assistance is needed, Technology Services is located in Room 11 of the Comer Engineering Technology Building.

Q: I need information from the campus library.

A: Visit the Morris Library (Dallas Campus) for checkout and renewal of books, and access to audiovisual and electronic information. The Lincoln Campus library is located in room 204 on the second floor of the Lincoln Campus main building, and the Kimbrell Campus Library is located in room KCH 101 on the Kimbrell Campus.

Q: I am having trouble with one or more of my classes or I need a tutor.

A: Contact your instructor or the Learning Center located on the Dallas or Lincoln Campus. Contact the Dallas Campus Learning Center if you need tutor assistance on the Kimbrell Campus.

Q: I need to use photocopy machines on campus and in the library.

A: Students have the ability to use the Xerox Multi-Functional Color Print Devices (MFCP) copiers that are located in the halls of each classroom building, library, and the Myers Center. Copies can be made by entering your print management (Papercut) login and you can print to them by using the web printing feature.

Q: I need to buy my textbooks.

A: The Gaston College Bookstore has convenient locations on all three campuses. Dallas Campus Bookstore is located on the first floor of the Myers Center, Lincoln Campus Bookstore is located on the second floor adjacent to the Business Office, and Kimbrell Campus Bookstore is located on the lower level of Harney Hall.

Q: I need a catalog, calendar, or Student Handbook.

A: All catalogs, calendars, and Student Handbooks are available on the Gaston College website at gaston.edu or a copy can be obtained in any Student Affairs Office.

Q: I want to find out about available food services.

A: Vending machines are located in most buildings on all campuses to supply quick snack food and beverages. Expanded vending is available in the café area in the Myers Center. You may report any vending concerns to the Bookstore.

Q: I need additional information about classes or services offered at the Lincoln Campus.

A: More information about the Lincoln Campus can be found in the Dean’s Office on the second floor of the Lincoln Campus building. You can also visit the Lincoln Campus webpage.

Q: I need additional information about classes or services offered at the Kimbrell Campus.

A: More information about the Kimbrell Campus can be found in Harney Hall at the reception desk, or the Student Affairs Office in KCC 116 on the Kimbrell Campus. You can also visit the Kimbrell Campus webpage.

Strategies for Success

  1. Pay your registration tuition and fees by the designated deadline!
  2. Meet with your academic advisor or department before registration begins.
  3. Register only for classes required for your major and also in which you meet the pre-requisites.
  4. Attend classes regularly. Communicate with your instructor (s) if you need to miss class.
  5. Know where to go if you have questions or need help (see the FAQ’s for starters or visit “Ask Us” at gaston.edu/ask-us/).
  6. Attend orientation sessions for online and/or hybrid courses.
  7. Update your current address and phone number online in Self-Service or in the Office of Records and Registration.
  8. Take responsibility for yourself and your actions.
  9. Take care of official College business (i.e., getting advised, getting registered, applying for financial aid, etc.) prior to deadlines.
  10. Resolve transportation, child care, or work schedule issues prior to registering for classes.


Academic Related (ACA) Courses

The Math, Physics, and Educational Studies Department manages the Academic Related (ACA) courses and encourages all students in College programs to enroll in ACA courses during their first or second semesters. These courses provide information which assist in successful course completion, progress to graduation, and/or transfer to four-year institutions. ACA 122, College Transfer Success, is required for all students in the college transfer programs. This course provides information and strategies necessary to develop clear academic and professional goals beyond the community college experience and to aid in the transfer to four-year institutions. ACA 111, College Student Success, is required for all students obtaining Associate of Applied Science degrees. This course introduces Gaston College’s physical, academic, and social environment and promotes the personal development essential for success. Students in non-transfer programs or degrees may choose to take ACA-122 instead of ACA-111 to keep transfer options viable.

Distance Education (eLearning)

Distance education provides educational opportunities for students who are separated from the instructor by time and/or physical distance. Gaston College offers two main types of online distance education courses:

Internet courses meet online, where students receive lessons, complete assignments, and communicate in a virtual classroom. Students must have regular access to a computer and the internet; have good computer skills; work independently; and be self-motivated. Internet courses have course content, a schedule for completing online assignments, and require a minimum of 2-4 hours of independent study per course credit hour. Generally students are NOT required to come to campus; however, some Internet courses may require proctored tests/presentations or labs to complete the course.

Hybrid/Web Blended courses meet onsite and online, as designated on the course schedule. While these courses utilize some of the same technologies as Internet courses, students also attend some face-to-face sessions.

Many of our traditional face-to-face courses will use Blackboard to supplement instruction.

In addition, Gaston College provides a few courses between the three (3) campuses via the two-way Interactive audio/video network. Students meet in one (1) of the video classrooms and have class with students at the other campuses. The instructor is physically at one of the three campuses.

Out-of-State Online Student Grievance

Gaston College students residing outside the state of North Carolina who desire to resolve a grievance are encouraged to follow the College’s Student Complaint Procedure . If an issue cannot be resolved internally, a complaint may be filed with the appropriate state agency for handling complaints or with Gaston College’s accrediting agency. Please visit the Distance Education webpage at Gaston College Complaint Resolution for Online/Distance Education Students for more information.

FERPA and Distance Education

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requirements and guidelines apply and extend to distance education students. Gaston College ensures the integrity of its courses and programs offered through distance education by verifying the identity of students participating in classes and completing coursework. The primary method for verification is a required secure login and password to Blackboard. Students are advised to protect their username and password at all times. In addition to secure login credentials, some distance education classes may require proctored examinations. The College provides proctoring services free of charge at the Learning, Persistence & Completion Center (LPCC). The College does not charge students related to verification identity, though students are required to present a photo ID, i.e., driver’s license or Gaston College ID (for which there is additional charge) at the LPCC. Students who are unable to take an exam at the LPCC may often use proctoring services at local libraries or colleges free of charge. For students who are unable to use any of the free-of-charge proctoring services, any proctoring charges incurred are the responsibility of the student.

Gaston College Libraries

Gaston College Libraries offer a variety of library services for students. Collections include books, magazines and newspapers, videos, CDs, DVDs, etc. The Gaston College Libraries are members of the CCLINC consortium. This consortium, composed of 52 of the 58 community colleges, shares a library system and provides students with access to the members’ collections.
The Gaston College Libraries serve all programs, faculty, and students at different levels of scholarship. Gaston College librarians instruct users on how to access, retrieve, evaluate, use and enjoy information sources in the creation of new knowledge. Library instruction aims to be responsive to the cultural, technological and curricular changes of information, and to provide skills that increase the comfort level of the library user. Gaston College Libraries offers instruction service in the classroom, or in the campus library. This instruction incorporates information literacy standards that are subject-specific and/or a general introduction geared to college-level research.
Computer workstations are located in each of the Libraries: Morris Library on the Dallas Campus; Kimbrell Campus Library on the Belmont Campus; and the Jonas Library on the Lincoln Campus. Computer users must abide by the College’s Electronic Resources Acceptable Use Policy. Internet access is provided; moreover, wireless Internet is available to students throughout the Libraries. NCLIVE and other Web-based resources are available to students at www.gaston.edu/library as well. Library cards are issued at the circulation desks of each library. Distance education resources are available through the Libraries’ homepage as well as Blackboard.
Library services include the following: checkout and renewal of materials, reference and research assistance, Internet access, interlibrary loan service, use of study and viewing areas, and remote access services. The distance learning classroom is located on the second floor of the Morris Library on the Dallas Campus. The Morris Library Training Lab is onsite in Room 120, which also houses the library’s 3D printer and One Button Studio.
All Gaston College Libraries have services comparable to those available on the Dallas Campus. Please consult the website at www.gaston.edu/library for operating hours at the Morris Library, Kimbrell Campus Library, and the Jonas Library.

Learning Center (Peer Tutoring)

The Learning Center program is staffed by paid tutors who have B’s or better in the courses they tutor, and who are recommended by their instructor or the chair of the department in which the course is taught. Tutors are carefully interviewed by the Learning Center Director and Specialist and undergo an initial training period. In addition to being knowledgeable and well-trained, tutors are also chosen for their sensitivity toward students and for their interest in teaching. Students who are not satisfied with their understanding or performance in a course may use this free service. Help is available in the areas of understanding concepts, problem-solving, and study skills. Tutoring services are available not only for the student who is having difficulty in passing a course, but also for those students who want to improve their skills.

The following services are provided by the Learning Center:

  • Peer Tutoring
  • Online Tutoring
  • Individualized Learning Assistance
  • Computer-Assisted Instruction
  • Video Tutorials
  • Make-up Testing for many courses
  • Quiet and/or Group Study

The Dallas Campus location is on the second floor of the Morris Library (ML). The Lincoln Campus location is room 206 of the Lincoln Classroom Building (LC). The Kimbrell Campus location is room 203 of the classroom building (KCC).

For Dallas Campus or Kimbrell Campus details and scheduling please call 704.922.6349, and for Lincoln Campus details and scheduling call 704.748.5236. More information can also be found here (gaston.edu/student-resources/learning-center/).

Writing Center

The Gaston College Writing Center exists to support students in communicating effectively. We encourage independent learning through collaborative conversations and positive interactions. In our nurturing environment, students can gain confidence and proficiency in writing and communication processes.

The Writing Center is a place where Gaston College students can benefit from tutoring sessions with experienced Writing Coaches to discuss any writing-related topic for any writing assignment in any class. Our Coaches also help students develop effective speaking skills across academic disciplines and in other professional and social contexts.

The Dallas Campus location is in room 204 of the Morris Library (ML). The Lincoln Campus location is in room 202 of the Main Lincoln Campus Building (LC 202). The Writing Center’s hours of operation vary from semester to semester. Call us at 704.922.2369 for the current hours.

The following services are provided at both locations:

One-on-One Tutoring: Students can request regular writing tutoring on a weekly basis. Faculty can also refer students for regular tutoring. In this setting, the students work directly with a Coach on writing assignments to build basic writing skills. Usually, students working with a one-on-one Writing Coach commit to at least one to three hours a week for tutoring.

Small Group Tutoring: Students with team assignments may be assigned to one tutor to work in a small group setting. In this type of tutoring, students collaborate with each other and with the tutor, who serves as a coach or guide through the writing process. Small groups consist of no more than three to four students.

Walk-in Tutoring: Tutoring is also provided on a per-assignment basis. Students can walk in for tutoring during regular Writing Center hours and receive assistance on one particular assignment. There is no commitment to work with a regular tutor on a weekly basis, and students can walk in several times a semester. This choice may result in a wait time or not available tutor.

Online Tutoring: Online appointments are required to be scheduled 24 hours in advance. An Online Tutoring Request form must be completed prior to an online tutoring session. This form is designed to collect information that assist our tutors in providing quality feedback and instruction. Once an appointment has been established, the student receives instructions via e-mail for their Blackboard Collaborate link and Coach’s contact information.

  • All Coaches are provided with a semester link to their individual Blackboard Collaborate virtual room in order to conduct online tutoring for fully online Gaston College courses only. Before a Coach can be assigned an online appointment, the Coach must go through a short training and shadow another Coach who is conducting an online appointment.

For more information about the Gaston College Writing Center, call 704.922.2369, send an e-mail to writingcenter@gaston.edu, or check out the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the Writing Center webpage.

Work-Based Learning and Placement (WBLP)

Work-Based Learning (WBL) is an academic program that provides students an opportunity to gain actual job related experiences and earn college credit. Emphasis is placed on integrating classroom learning with related work experience. Additionally, WBLP offers a full range of services to assist students and graduates in preparing for and finding employment opportunities. Students and graduates can utilize Gaston College’s online job board by going to www.collegecentral.com/gastoncollege. For additional information, please contact the Office of WBLP at 704.922.6360 or 704.922.6212.

Design, Print, and Mail

Design, Print, and Mail is located in the basement of the Comer Engineering and Technology Building, room 17A. For hours of operation, see the front section of this document.

Printing Services: Various printing services are available, and require a three (3) day turnaround. These services include the following:

  Black and White Copies: $0.10 each
  Black and White Photo Copies: $0.25 each
  Color Copies: $1.00 each or 100 or more $0.75 each
  Laminating: $0.35 per foot

Mailroom Services: Students may deposit mail for afternoon delivery. Stamps may also be purchased in the mailroom.

Print Management

Gaston College is implementing a print management system, PaperCut, as a green initiative and in an effort to reduce waste in all curriculum computer labs and libraries. Each semester, currently enrolled curriculum students will be credited $10.00 each semester for printing. Remaining balances at the end of each semester will not roll over.

·       The price for printing is as follows:

Black and White

Single sided - $0.10/per page

Duplex - $0.15/per page


Single sided - $0.25/per page

Duplex - $0.38/per page

Color Printing is available in the Dallas, Kimbrell, and Lincoln Campus libraries. Students have the capability to add funds to their accounts if the amount allocated is exceeded via PayPal or coin-ops (available in each of the libraries). Public users and non-curriculum students have the capability of utilizing the library computer. For more information go to: www.gaston.edu/student-resources/technology-resources/student-technology-resources/faq-student/ or www.gaston.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/StudentLoginInfoBookletWeb_1214.pdf.

Student ID Cards

Although not required, student photo ID cards are made in the Student ID Office in the Comer Engineering Technology Building, room 116A (Dallas Campus), or the Lincoln Classroom Building, room 113 (Lincoln Campus), or the Kimbrell Classroom Building, room 116J (Kimbrell Campus). There is no charge for the initial ID. A replacement photo ID card is $10.00. Photo ID’s are made for current curriculum students only. Students must provide the Student ID Office with proof of a current student class schedule. For further information, contact Campus Police and Security at 704.922.6480.


The Gaston College Bookstore provides textbooks, school/office supplies, and study aids to complement the education experience at Gaston College. Computer software along with laptops, tablets and other electronic products can be purchased at the main campus. The Bookstore also provides imprinted apparel, greeting cards and gift items for school spirit and convenience. Store hours are located in the front of this Handbook. There are three locations that service both Gaston and Lincoln counties:

Dallas Campus Bookstore

Dallas Campus Bookstore is located on the first floor of the Myers Center on the main campus. Contact the Dallas Campus Bookstore at 704.922.6428.

Lincoln Campus Bookstore

Lincoln Campus Bookstore is located on the second floor of the main Lincoln Campus Building. Contact the Lincoln Campus Bookstore at 704.748.1075.

Kimbrell Campus Bookstore

Kimbrell Campus Bookstore is located on the lower level of Harney Hall. Contact the Kimbrell Campus Bookstore at 704.825.6280.


Gaston College Bookstore has a website for online textbook purchases, price checks, and upcoming events. Your new, used or rental textbook purchases are only a click away by going to gaston.bkstr.com.


Copies of Textbooks, with or without an access code, may be purchased or rented from the Bookstore.

Textbook subscriptions, like Cengage Unlimited, may be purchased online or through the Bookstore.

Inclusivity E-texts appear as a separate course fee.

OER E-texts (Other Educational Resources) do not carry a cost.

Textbook Inclusion Fees

If students drop a course with textbook inclusion fees, full refunds will be given ten calendar days from the start of the class. Students must request a refund of these fees with the Records and Registration Office by calling 704.922.6232. This refund policy excludes Cengage Unlimited as this is a subscription fee not associated with one particular course or textbook.

Students called to active military duty may be allowed special provisions for refunds. Contact the Records and Registration Office at 704-922-6232 or gcregistrar@gaston.edu for Active Duty Provisions.

Refund Policy

Textbooks- Refunds are given each semester based on the following refund policy:

Full refunds will be given during the first ten business days of the current semester or ten days from the date of purchase. You must provide proof of purchase when you are making returns. Returned textbooks must be unmarked and in re-saleable condition. Bundled textbooks cannot be unwrapped. Refunds are NOT given on textbooks purchased for a previous semester. No refunds are given on supplies, gifts, or non-textbook items.

Textbook Buyback

Textbooks can be sold back to the Bookstore during book buybacks held at the end of each semester during final exam week.

Food Service and Vending

Vending machines are located in most buildings on all campuses to supply quick snack food and beverages. Expanded vending is available in the café area in the Myers Center. All vending is provided as a convenience to the campus community. If you encounter an equipment malfunction, you may report any vending concerns to the Bookstore.

Myers Center

The Myers Center Cafe provides students with the opportunity to eat in an attractive, comfortable dining area with WiFi access; purchase books, supplies, and other materials from the Bookstore; and participate in College-sponsored events in the multi-purpose auditorium. The Myers Center also houses the offices of the Student Government Association, Student Affairs, Business Office, Sponsorship Office, Athletics, and the Music Department.

Consumer Information

Gaston College is committed to providing prospective and current students, parents, and employees with information on a variety of topics as required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008. Please visit our Consumer Information webpage for links to information about financial aid, price of attendance, refund policy, student diversity, disability services, Title IX, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program (DAAPP), Annual Security Report (ASR), and much more. The Consumer Information webpage is a one-stop shop of important information about Gaston College.

A paper copy of the information disclosed on the Consumer Information webpage is available upon request by contacting Student Affairs at 704.922.6217 or the Office of Financial Aid at 704.922.6227.

Religious Observances

Students are permitted up to two excused absences per academic year for religious observances.  Excused absences do not relieve students from responsibility for any course requirements but do permit students to make up the missed exam(s) or assignment(s). The student is responsible for determining any exam(s) or assignment(s) that are due or given on the missed date(s) and for reaching a reasonable, non-punitive alternative with his/her instructor for the completion of course requirements. The student should be prepared to fulfill the requirements at a time determined by the instructor, other than the excused day.

In order to make up the exam(s) or assignment(s) and have an excused absence, a “Notice of Accommodation for Religious Observances” form must be completed and submitted to the Dean’s Office in the student’s program of study by the end of the second week of classes in the term(s) in which the day(s) will be missed.  Students may obtain this form from any Divisional Dean’s Office.  

Gaston County Access Central Transportation

ACCESS provides bus service to the Gaston College Dallas Campus Monday through Friday. For more information, or to confirm the bus schedule, please call 704.866.3206.

Only $1.00 One-Way Fare (cash only).

Gastonia Transit Gaston College Dallas Campus
Pickup Departure Time Arrival Departure Time

*7:28 am 7:30 am 7:50 am 8:00 am
8:28 am 8:30 am 8:50 am 9:00 am
9:28 am 9:30 am 9:50 am 10:00 am
*10:28 am 10:30 am 10:50 am 11:00 am
11:28 am 11:30 am 11:50 am 12:00 pm
12:28 pm 12:30 pm 12:50 pm 1:00 pm
*1:28 pm 1:30 pm 1:50 pm 2:00 pm
2:28 pm 2:30 pm 2:50 pm 3:00 pm
3:28 pm 3:30 pm 3:50 pm 4:00 pm
*4:28 pm 4:30 pm 4:50 pm 5:00 pm
*Transit times during the summer semester, breaks, and when there are no classes.


Gaston College is a commuter institution designed to serve residents of the surrounding area and does not provide residence halls and housing for its students.